
来源:互联网   时间:2023-06-22 00:43:15


1、assertion :认定可以这样翻译:财务报表认定: financial statement assertions审计财会类英文词汇对照:审计、财务常用英文词汇审计报告: Audit report 资产负债表:Balance Sheet 损益表:Income statement 利润分配表:Profit distribution statement 会计报表:Financial statement 在抽查的基础上:on a test basis 主任会计师或授权副主任会计师:Chief Accountant or Authorized Assistant Chief Accountant 中国注册会计师:Chinese Certified Public Accountant 无钢印无效:shall not be valid without bearing the embossing seal 年初数。

2、年末数:Opening amounting closing amounting 资产负债表:Balance sheet 流动资产:Current assets 货币资金:Cash 短期、长期投资:Short-term、long-term investment 应收票据:Notes receivable 应收账款:Account receivable 坏账准备:Less: provision for bad debt 应收账款净额:Net value of account receivable 预付账款:Advance to supplier 应收出口退税:Receivable drawback for export 应收补贴款: Receivable subsidy 其他应收款:Other receivable 存货:Inventories。


